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Important Factors to Keep in Mind When Choosing Timber Flooring

Timber Flooring

Do you want to replace your home’s floor with wood? Perhaps you’re replacing an old wood floor. There are several aspects to consider while selecting wood flooring.

These variables are crucial since that wood floor will be in your house for a LONG time. You don’t want to hurry and regret your decision in a few weeks.

Below are the main aspects to consider before deciding on timber flooring ideas.

Comfort and Appearance

You should examine the appearance and feel of your wood flooring. Unless you renovate, you’ll be looking at and walking on your home’s floor for a long time.

You should pick which appearance you want and how it suits your property. Choose natural or stained finish.

Consider the flooring’s color and texture

There are many crucial things to consider while choosing a floor style. Consider the following.

Knots, texture: Less texture and knots give the property a contemporary look, while more texture and knots give it a rural and calm sense.

Dimensions: Plank size also matters. Small planks make your house seem crowded or confined, whereas medium or big planks make it feel expansive.

Color: The color of your wood flooring is also important. Dark colors provide elegance and refinement, whereas mid-tone colors like gray are neutral. Light colors soothe and relax your house.


The stain, scratch, and dent resistance of your wood flooring is another important factor to think about. You shouldn’t sink your savings on wood flooring that readily scrapes or dents.

Timber floor perth is dependent on the kind of wood chosen and the treatment for its longevity. In this article, we’ll look at some of the biggest factors that reduce the longevity of wood flooring.

Stains: The texture and finish of the flooring material greatly affect its ability to resist stains. When choosing flooring, it’s important to consider the kind of finish. Water tends to be absorbed by oil finishes, leaving unsightly stains. Before committing to a floor, try out several samples. Try dropping a little food on the floor, mopping it up, and inspecting for stains to see if there are any.

Scratches: The flooring’s scratch resistance is based on its hardness and finish. Oak is the toughest wood used for flooring, hence it makes up the vast majority of modern timber floorings. . To determine how easily a surface scratches, just drag a sharp item over it.

Dents: It depends on the species of the flooring and the finish chosen. If the species of wood selected for the flooring isn’t sturdy enough, no amount of rigorous finishing will prevent dents from forming on it. When testing for dent resistance, walk on test materials with high heels to evaluate how quickly they dent.


The floor’s features are described here. Carefully observe the floor’s grain, size, color, and number of knots. Regular or sporadic grading is a matter of personal choice.


The price tag of the flooring material you’re eyeing is something you should never ignore. There are low-priced and high-priced varieties of every product. However, it’s not uncommon for the cheapest alternative to be of low quality, leading to additional replacement costs. Be careful to get your floor from a reliable shop that has been around for a while and employs people with extensive expertise in wood flooring.


The wear layer of a wood floor is typically what determines how long the floor will last. Thicker timber flooring company, although more expensive, tend to endure far longer. The genuine wood veneer or planks located above the tongue are usually considered the wear layer. Depending on the thickness of the wear layer and how frequently you re sand it, a quality wooden floor may survive for up to 20 years.


Some municipalities have minimum building heights that must be adhered to while constructing a dwelling. Talk to your contractor about the minimum floor height necessary for your project before making any flooring purchases.

The aforementioned considerations are the very minimum you should give your wood flooring before making a final decision. There are still a lot of additional factors to think about, but ultimately it comes down to personal preference and practical considerations.

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