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Why do I need a Conveyancer For a New Build Conveyancing?

conveyancer for a new build Conveyancing

When starting the construction of a new home, then the legal title ownership must be transferred. This is known as conveyancing. The process involves a lot of things that must be taken care of in the right manner to avoid any unexpected costs or delays. Conveyancing for the new project is different to purchasing any existing property. Thus, it would be helpful if you consider looking for online conveyancing solicitors who are specialized in handling the job. The list here specifies the reasons why you will require support from a new build conveyancing solicitor.

  1. Contract of sale

Because you have decided to buy a property that has not been built yet, the contract of sale is the most vital document you need to ensure that it covers all the basics. This will assure you are receiving exactly what you are paying for. When you have got a good solicitor, they will advise you about the documents to ensure it matches correctly in writing as what the builder has promised to you. He will check the documents to help you avoid any scams.

  1. Contract variation

The contract might include allowances for the builders to make changes to the property. For example, there might be a need for a minor change in the plants because of the council planning requirement. Therefore, there must be a provision in the contract for allowing the cancellation of the contract if the changes affect the property. In case the situation rises, then help from a new build conveyancing solicitor in the UK will make a major difference. He will advise you about the available options and guarantee you take proper steps at the right time and avoid future complications.

  1. Legal rights

When you consider taking help from a conveyancing solicitor, they will be there to ensure that all of your legal rights are well fulfilled. They will consider all of the essentials to assure the construction process is completed without any delays. Be it the cost you are paying for the property or the transfer of ownership, the expert will be there to take care of everything.

  1. Stamp duty

When you take online conveyancing advice, then the expert will provide you insights on the stamp duty cost. Remember, you will be eligible for concessions or even grants, which will allow you to save some money for the new home builds.

  1. Joint property ownership

If planning to make a purchase of the property in partnership with someone else, then you have to consider the purchase as tenants in common or joint proprietors. However, in case you are unaware of the structure, then you can choose to add a nominee clause which will give you the time and flexibility. But remember, there will be additional legal aspects involved. Thus the help from a conveyancer will make things easy as he will advise you about the steps you can take care for the process.


The benefits of working with a conveyancing solicitor are many. After all, it will not only ease the experience for you but also guarantee that all of the legal rights are well fulfilled and have an easy experience getting the ownership transfer for your new home.

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