Data really powers everything we do, be it viewing old photographs or trusting a multimillionaire company with our private data and knowing that they’ll protect at all costs. Even in situations where their company has been compromised, we’ll know that our data is safe. For companies to be able to provide their services, the flow of data should never stop. For this reason many companies trust cloud backup services to store and secure their data. Protecting and securing data using old and outdated methods is expensive, takes too much time and workforce. Here are 5 reasons why you should choose a cloud backup service-
1. Cost effective- Cloud storage requires no initial investment from your end apart from the fees that cloud providers charge. You don’t have to worry about buying hard drives or spending countless hours backing up your data, which would all go to waste in case of an accidental fire and the fire alarm going off and drenching your on site cloud backup servers and drives. Since cloud storage is always off site, any break ins or accidents never on the office premises never lead to the loss or compromise of data and data recovery is quick and easy.
2. Resource Management- The company’s IT staff is an important source of gaining advantage over your competitors. With employing cloud backup services you don’t have to burden your IT department with manual data backups which take away the time they could use to focus on projects that are profitable and on bringing in more and more clients. Once you opt for cloud backup services, all responsibilities and stress comes down to the shoulder of the provider and your staff can actually be beneficial for the company.
3. Remote Access- Along with keeping your data safe and secure on the cloud, it also provides remote access to your cloud from any authorized device where you can retrieve and view your data at any time and anywhere. Giving remote access makes sure that there’ll be no hiccups and difficulties when you want to access your data.
4. Authorized Access- Due to the nature of data companies store, it becomes critical to safeguard data throughout the process of moving it to a cloud storage service. Encrypting data becomes necessary as transmitting unencrypted data can leave it vulnerable to competing companies, hackers who’re looking to sell data and make money etc. Any and all data is first encrypted before it is moved through a secure cloud channel to the off site location. This encrypted data can then only be accessed by those who have the decryption key. Unauthorized users can’t access your data under any circumstances.
5. Experience and Expertise- Being the best company obviously you will trust the best of the best cloud backup service providers with the sensitive data of your company and its many customers. The best service providers are at the level that they are due to their many years of experience and having expertise on the topic of cloud based backups. The service providers give you full access to their latest technology, secure and uninterrupted access to your data at any time anywhere. Outsourcing such a job to field expertise gives you and your employees a chance to focus on other projects that have a direct impact on the performance of your company and its profitability.
Identify today what’s lacking in your data protection methods and safeguard yourself, your company, your employees and your customers today by contacting a cloud backup service provider. Don’t wait until it’s too late.